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Concrete must be cured, clean, dried and tested in accordance to General Requirements > Testing section of this document. If the carpet is to be installed using an adhesive, the concrete should be free of dirt, grease, oil, curing or parting agents, and other contaminants, including sealers, that may interfere with the bonding of adhesive.


NOTE:  It is not recommended to chemically treat (abate) substrates. These chemicals are difficult to completely remove and will adversely affect new adhesive and carpet. Contact your manufacturer for specific information.


Whenever a powdery or porous surface is encountered, a primer/sealer compatible with the adhesive should be used to provide a suitable surface for the glue-down installation. Patching of cracks and depressions shall be made with appropriate and compatible latex or polymer fortified patching compound. Do not exceed manufacturer’s recommendations for patch thickness. Large patched areas must be primed (Refer to General Requirements > Substrate Preparation > Primers section of this document).


NOTE:  Any concrete floor, even when adequately cured and dry, can allow moisture vapor to pass through to its surface.  Depending upon the type of carpet and method of installation, the moisture emission rate greatly influences the long-term success of an installation.  The use of a properly installed, uncompromised, approved moisture membrane is essential in preventing moisture migration into and through a concrete slab. (Ref. ASTM F 710)